«Mehr Platz für dich» is an app for kids by Pro Juventute. It enables kids to tag and to rate fun places in Switzerland— in a playful way from their perspective. Together, the participating children create an atlas of interesting places for kids by kids.

The app for kids called «Mehr Platz für dich» (german for «More space for you») has been launched as part of a campaign by children advocacy group Pro Juventute. The campaign is an appeal for more accessible public space suitable and safe for kids in Switzerland.


In 3 months, the app has been developed from the ground up by Gbanga, Millform Inc. based on a strategy briefing by Blofeld Communications.

The app has been developed with the game engine Unity 3D and map material from OpenStreetMap.org. The character and environment designs have been animated with a mixture of physics-driven skeletons and hand-crafted motions.

Because kids use the app mainly outdoor, the app has to work offline without any internet connectivity. For that reason, we developed an offline map for Switzerland. With compression and vectorization, we were able to reduce the size of the Android app to under 100 MB, including the map of Switzerland, thousands of playgrounds and many photos.

Quick Facts

  • Mixed-reality serious game
  • Game genre: exploration, open world, sandbox
  • Gameplay duration: open-end
  • Real-world map
  • Thousands of playground already included
  • Over 200 photos of playgrounds
  • Tours in several towns in Switzerland (work in progress)
  • Millions of possibilities and combinations of monster avatar looks
  • Filter for places on the map
  • Based on map material from OpenStreetMap
  • Available for free in italian, french and german
  • For iOS and Android

Technology used

  • App: Unity 3D, OpenStreetMap
  • Server: Java, MySQL


Filtermöglichkeit bei «Mehr Platz für Dich»Filter for specific places

Avatar-Design bei «Mehr Platz für Dich»Design your avatars individually

Levels bei «Mehr Platz für Dich»Reach higher levels and unlock avatar body parts

Mini-Game bei «Mehr Platz für Dich»Play mini games and tag real-world places