The day we’ve been all waiting has finally arrived! The all-new ubercool Gbanga 3.1 update is out! This new update will allow players around the world to join one of ten all-new Mafia families, or team up with the Police. While rival Mafia families will be competing to take control of real-world bars and restaurants, Police players will be on the counter-attack to neutralize Mafia activity and deliver justice. Additionally, each Mafia family will now have an archrival, and will earn more points whenever territory is seized from this rival.
Our team is really excited about the new update, here are some team quotes about the famiglia:
“This is Gbanga at its best.” – Matthias Sala, CEO of Gbanga.
“The new Famiglia has a darker mood—perfect for the new story and edgier gameplay.” – Chris Solarski, Gbanga’s Creative Director
“The new update is much more stable and the optimised network communication sums up to produce a fantastic player experience” – Agustin Cautin, Gbanga’s Back-end Developer
“The new update brings deeper location based gameplay and more ferocious competition among families.” – Robin di Capua, Gbanga’s Game Designer
What’s New in Version 3.1?
- significantly quicker communication with the server
- removed bug that created crash after restarting from background
- displays a warning when Pocket is full
- shows a semi-transparent message when connectivity is slow
- picking up items no longer switches the screen to Pocket Mode (if the player has more than 2000 points)
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